ATLANTA — PARKatlanta is history and there’s a new parking vendor in town.
Channel 2’s Craig Lucie went to Atlanta City Hall and interviewed the new vendor and an Atlanta city official to find out how they are different and how this new company plans on being less aggressive.
“We will take a soft approach to see eye-to-eye with people and make sure we do the right thing,” said Jason Spoeth, vice president for SP+ in Atlanta.
Wednesday, the Chicago-based company will reveal their new uniforms, patrol vehicles and their strategy.
“We expect our personnel to act as ambassadors and represent the city well,” Spoeth told Lucie.
Lucie asked Spoeth and William Johnson, the Deputy COO of the Atlanta Public Works Commission, how the new vendor will avoid being overly aggressive.
“Once a certain level of revenue is realized, there’s a revenue-sharing component,” Johnson said adding that the new component takes away the incentive that was there before.
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Under the new contract, the first $7 million goes into the city’s general fund, which is up from $5 million.
“After the first $7 million is reached, there’s another cap,” Johnson said.
Once $13.5 million dollars of tickets are handed out, SP+ keeps 30 percent. The city takes the remaining 70.
SP+ is also launching a new app so you can pay remotely and get notifications on your phone when your meter is about to run out.
In addition to the new app, the single meters will be replaced with the multi-space meters.
Fifty percent of the multi-space meters will be removed and replaced. The other 50 percent will be completely restored.
SP+ said the meters will have color screens, which will be easier to see and navigate.
“All of this technology brings us a system and it will be convenient for customers,” Johnson said.
Commuters welcome the change.
“If that’s what needs to be done, then that’s fine,” said local driver Woody Reilly.
SP+ is already checking meters.
City officials said they want the company to focus on safety and make sure to target the people who park in front of fire hydrants, block in cars and block the street car routes.
Cox Media Group