
Witnesses: MARTA bus driver prays over man after running over him

ATLANTA — Police are investigating a crash involving a car, a MARTA bus and a pedestrian in northwest Atlanta.

Officers say a person was hit by the MARTA bus and while the victim was on the ground a car ran him over on Joseph E. Boone Boulevard between Woodlawn Avenue and Chappell Road Wednesday night.

A witness said he was standing on his front porch when the accident happened.

"I saw the man get hit by a bus ran him over again and they stopped him,” the witness said.


He told Channel 2 Action News the bus driver stopped immediately and when he jumped out of the bus, it looked like he closed his eyes in prayer.

“He stayed for a minute with his eyes closed like he was praying,” the witness said.

Other witnesses said the man was still breathing when he was taken to the hospital.

Investigators are working to learn how the bus accident happened.

Witnesses reported the car appeared out of nowhere and it looked like the driver, they said, had no idea the man was on the ground.