
Daycare more expensive than college in Georgia

Parents, you probably already knew this.

It now costs more money to educate children under 5 than to earn a college degree in Georgia, according to a new report from the Economic Policy Institute.

The average annual cost of infant care in the Peach State is $7,644, or $637 per month. It costs parents $1,030 (15.6 percent) more per year than in-state tuition for a four-year public college.

The Economic Policy Institute ran the numbers and found that infant care for one child would take up 13.8 percent of a typical family’s income in Georgia.

It gets cheaper as children get older, but not by much. Child care for a 4-year-old costs $14,144. That's 45.7 percent more than average rent in Georgia.

How do other states stack up? Click here to see the full findings, sorted by state.

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