Paulding County

Memorial Day crosses back up after complaints


PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — A Memorial Day display honoring Georgia-area soldiers who have died is back up after a controversial decision drew a lot of criticism.

Days after it was taken down, a Memorial Day display is back up on a piece of city property in Hiram.
Some people complained this display of crosses was inappropriate -- but as Channel 2's Ross Cavitt tells us, residents spoke up and the memorial will stay.
The sun had barely risen following a City Council meeting the night before, when dozens from Hiram and Paulding counties assembled to re-assemble the Memorial Day display.
It had been taken down days before after a few complained the crosses -- on a piece of city property at a busy intersection -- formed an inappropriate religious display.
It was -- most say -- just a vocal minority that were complaining.
"Just a handful always there always the ones talking loudest I guess, it's time we all start standing together, taking a stand, and stand up for what is right," resident Eugene McCallie said.
"Even though these are crosses they don't represent any religious symbols to us it is just an actual memorial for the veterans and we wanted to come out and help our community because we are 100 percent behind them in this," resident Pamela Cohen said.
Hiram's City Council agreed with some who believe the crosses were not intended as a religious symbol, but more of a "rest in peace" gesture for the 79 in Paulding County who had died in the nation's wars.
The folks here are happy it is back up before the Memorial Day weekend, because most want it here.
"The only way were going to do something about it is for all the regular people to stand up for what's right and do what's right.   God put us here for a reason and that's to help each other," Cohen said.
Some of the neighbors tell Cavitt they plan a special observance at the site this weekend to mark the holiday.