
The Mannequin Challenge is sweeping the Internet, so what is it?

Buffalo Bills taking part in the Mannequin Challenge.

ATLANTA — You may have seen some of those Matrix-style videos of people frozen in place while the camera zooms past them on your Facebook page – so what’s the deal?

It’s a new meme called “The Mannequin Challenge.”

It is believed the trend was started by teenagers in Jacksonville, Florida in late October. The video was posted on the Internet and like many things, it spread like wildfire.

The challenge now has everyone from celebrities to athletes taking part.

The Milwaukee Bucks, the Buffalo Bills and the Pittsburgh Steelers posted their version of the challenge, with players posing in various positions.

According to CNN, as of Monday morning, an Instagram search for the hashtag #MannequinChallenge turned up more than 56,000 results.


But just like planking, the Harlem Shake, Running Man Challenge and the Whip and Nae Nae’ -- they are fun time-wasters to do with your friends but are sure to fade into the sunset of the never-ending things to do on the Internet.