April 8, 1974: Hammerin' Hank Aaron becomes Home Run King with 715th homer
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Aaron gets a hug from his mother Estella. His dad was there too.
Aaron rounds the bases followed by two fans that ran on the field.
Aaron connects solidly.
Aaron begins the swing.
Teammates and family mob Aaron.
Hank Aaron
A statue outside Turner Field captures the swing.
Braves players greet Aaron at home plate and Dodgers catcher Joe Ferguson even extends his hand.
Aaron follows through.
Hank Aaron, the umpire and the Dodgers catcher follow the flight of the ball as Aaron hits his 715th home run on April 8, 1974 in Atlanta. Take a look at more photos of the swing and the moment in history.
The Dodgers' Al Downing makes the pitch.
Aaron holds the ball he hit for his 715th home run.