Ride for Kids goes virtual to raise money for Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation

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ATLANTA — The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation helps families dealing with childhood cancer.

Every year the nonprofit hosts the Ride For Kids, a fundraising ride that invites cancer patients to ride in motorcycle side cars.

“It makes me feel normal, like what a normal 22 year old would feel,” rider Tony Velo said.

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Doctors diagnosed Velo with a brain tumor when he was 14 months old. He’s undergone chemo therapy five times and his only remaining vision is blurry and faint light in his left eye.

Because of COVID-19, the fundraiser had to take a detour this year. Now they’re offering motorcyclists virtual ride challenges to raise money for research and to help make the road ahead a little easier for kids.

“It’s very encouraging seeing how many people want to help the Pediatric Brian Tumor Foundation and support them through all the things they do to help all the [kids],” rider Velo said.


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