Family of six welcomes triple surprise

By: WSB-TV Community

ATLANTA – Joani and Trevion Clemons did not think their family could get any bigger because of medical reasons, until they found out three little surprises were on their way.

After having their first four children, Joani’s doctor told her she had developed polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, and would not be able to have any more kids. Seven years later, Joani got a shock when she went in for a breast examination.

“I went in because breast cancer runs in our family and I had a lump in my breast,” Joani said. “That’s when [the doctor] told me that was a milk gland.”

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Another surprise came shortly after when the couple went back for a follow-up appointment. The couple with four girls learned they were having identical triplets, all boys. The soon-to-be father of seven, Trevion, remembers how he felt hearing the news.

“I was smiling ear to ear. I was happy,” Trevion said. “I just want all of them to be healthy.”

Miles, Devin and Bryce were born three months premature. Each weighed under 3 pounds and spent 10 weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit at Northside Hospital.

Eighteen months later, their bond with the hospital is still strong. The Clemonses and their triplets joined thousands this month to celebrate at the 2016 Preemie Birthday Party at the Atlanta Zoo.