Back to School

How to keep school activities from busting your budget


ATLANTA — The countdown is on until all local districts head back to school.

Channel 2's Consumer Advisor Clark Howard said that there is an easy way for parents to save on band or sports equipment this school year.

If your child is involved in school activities, either band or sports, there is something Howard wants you to think about doing to keep those activities from busting your budget.

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Howard said to buy used equipment.

"It's become very easy now to buy used musical gear and you know, let's face it, a lot of people buy musical instruments and then they're like, 'Hey, this isn't for me and nearly new stuff is available at a huge discount from what it is new,'" Howard said.

As for sporting goods and sporting equipment, it's a hit or miss.

Howard said you have to really look at the good first, but it's possible for you to buy sporting equipment as a big discount from what it would cost to buy it new.

It's your money and remember, in just a couple of days, it's as if it's used by you, right?

So, it's new to your pretty quickly, just save the money, Howard said.