
Both sides agree – Georgia will be a battleground state in November

MACON, Ga. — Both Republicans and Democrats are targeting Georgia as one of the key battleground states in the November election.

Georgia is unusual in that we have two senate seats up for election this year and that’s why so much effort from both sides is going into winning this state.

Channel 2′s Richard Elliot was in Macon as Tommy Hicks, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, made a stop at a Trump victory campaign building to rally his volunteers for the push to November.

“Georgia is very important to the president. Also, we’re going to flip some seats, and we’ve got two Senate seats to win. Don’t forget about that,” Hicks said.

Elliot also spoke with Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez. He said flipping those Georgia Senate seats that Republicans now hold, are key.

“Georgia is critical. There’s not a state in the country that has two Senate races going on this year, so Georgia has twice as much opportunity as any other state,” Perez said.


That’s why the DNC is focusing so much effort on the north Atlanta suburbs that have been long Republican strongholds that voted blue during the last election.

Hicks agreed and said that’s why they’re putting a lot of attention on winning those congressional seats.

“We’re all over the place, every state is in play. We’re very focused on Georgia. We’re focused on Georgia for the president and the Senate and flipping some congressional seats,” Hicks said.

Perez said their efforts aren’t just directed to win the presidential and congressional elections. He told Elliot they want to flip Georgia’s traditionally Republican state house too.

“Georgia is definitely a battleground, and I think we have a real good chance down the ballot, not just presidential but two Senate races, the state house. Our mission is to run Democrats up and down the ballot,” Perez said.

A big effort by both sides is going toward the 6th and 7th Congressional races -- both in the north suburbs.

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