Georgia women buy box of Legos ... find $40K in meth inside

A teen in Spain used Lego bricks and a motor to build a prosthetic arm for himself.

STATESBORO, Ga. — Three Georgia women bought a box of Legos while visiting a South Carolina consignment shop, only to find that the box was actually filled with about $40,000 worth of methamphetamine.

Bulloch County Sheriff's Investigator Jim Riggs told The Statesboro Herald the women gifted the box to a child, who opened it and discovered the three pounds of drugs.

Deputies said the women turned the drugs over to the sheriff's office, who called in Drug Enforcement Administration agents.

Riggs said authorities determined the drugs were likely mailed to the wrong address.


He said dealers often ship drugs to empty or abandoned addresses to be picked up, but United States Postal Service often won't leave packages at those sites.

Instead, they're often left with a neighbor or auctioned off when unclaimed.