
65-year-old man with dementia walks out of Grady; family hasn't seen him in days


ATLANTA — There's a desperate search underway for a man with dementia who walked out of Grady Memorial Hospital and disappeared.

Mohamed Diallo has been missing since Monday, July 22.

Dienabou Balde goes back and forth between fear and grief. For days now, she has searched the streets of Atlanta for her husband.

“We have been basically looking every single place from the morning and into the night,” Balde said.

On Monday, the 65-year-old went to Grady Memorial Hospital for his treatment. Police said a nurse watched Diallo while he was there.

But, at around 11 a.m., that same nurse reported Diallo missing. Atlanta police said Diallo simply walked out of his room and disappeared.

“We will be looking at all angles because we want to make sure we find him,” said James White, with the Atlanta Police Department.


On Thursday, Channel 2's Audrey Washington asked officials at Grady Memorial Hospital about the case.

In a statement, officials said:

“Grady notified Atlanta police immediately after we determined that Mr. Diallo left the hospital. We continue to work with APD as they continue their search for him.”

But Diallo’s family is wasting no time. They’ve followed some tips.

A couple of days ago, one person told them he spotted Diallo at a Walmart on Gersham Road in southeast Atlanta.

Another claimed Diallo stopped inside a nearby Chevron, wearing a maroon shirt, gray sweatpants and a hospital wristband.

Either way, Diallo’s family desperately wants him back home.

“He doesn’t really understand what’s going on right now, so we want people to know that if you see him, talk to him, of course, and try to keep him around as long as you can,” Diallo's daughter said.

“I’m asking everyone to please, please find my husband,” Balde said.

Diallo’s family believes he’s somewhere in east Atlanta, possibly at a MARTA station.

He speaks English but has also been speaking French.

Anyone who spots him is urged to call Atlanta police.