
Atlanta woman goes into labor after eating a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, baby born on special date

ATLANTA — On Monday, Feb. 1, Imani Jones had a craving for a Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwich.

Who can blame her, we have all been there before.

Jones enjoyed the peppery goodness of the chicken sandwich but the feeling was short-lived. According to Jones, the sandwich sent her into labor not long after eating.

“Me and my mom went to Chick-Fil-A, I got a spicy chicken sandwich. Next thing you know, he was on the way,” Jones said.

Jones, pregnant and just about a week away from her due date, went into labor.

“I ate a Chick-Fil-A sandwich and it sent me into labor,” Jones said.

Jones was rushed to Northside Hospital late on Feb. 1. Once at the hospital, it was a few more hours before her soon-to-be born son was ready to make his debut in the world.

“I’m calling his dad on Facetime and he’s like, OMG its going to be 2/2/22,” Jones said.

Jones’ baby had the chance to be born on the special day of February 2 of 2022 or 2/2/22. Baby Jabourie actually one-upped his father’s prediction by making his birth even more special.

Jabourie was born on 2/2/22 at exactly 2:22 p.m.

Maybe one day when he is older, Jones will tell baby Jabourie the unique story surrounding his special birthdate. However, right now she is adjusting to motherhood and loving her baby she calls a miracle.

“I feel everything, I feel happy, I feel like it’s a miracle, I feel everything, I’m overwhelmed with joy,” said Jones.


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