
Are hospitals ready to return to doing elective procedures?

ATLANTA — Hospitals will be able to return to doing elective surgeries under the governor's reopening plan.

Channel 2′s Carol Sbarge talked to the chief medical officer of Grady Memorial Hospital, where they have about 70 coronavirus patients right now.

It’s close to the same number they had when Sbarge last talked to Dr. Robert Jansen a week-and-a-half ago.

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Jansen said officials have been evaluating for several weeks when they could resume elective surgeries.

“A lot of that will be determined by our ability to have personal protective equipment, bed capacity if someone comes in and requires admission, as well as our capacity and staffing,” Jansen said.

Jansen said he knows Gov. Kemp had a tough call to make when he made the decision to reopen parts of the economy by the end of the week.


"He has a tough job," Jansen said. "I'm glad I don't have that job, because he has to weigh all of the considerations including the impact this has had on the economy."

Jansen said the key is for everyone to follow safety precautions as things begin to open. That includes wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and washing hands.

"If we do that, with the plan he has in place, I'll be hopeful that works," Jansen said.

Jansen said he also expects that by the end of the week, the hospital will be able to do antibody testing. That will be a big step for healthcare workers.

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