Boutique owner says insurance has now dropped her after string of break-ins at business

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ATLANTA — The owner of a metro fashion boutique says she now has another problem after she was broken into several times over the last few weeks.

Catrina Cousar, who owns “According to Fashion” in southeast Atlanta, says her insurance has now dropped her because of the break-ins.

Cousar says thieves have broken into her store at least three times since August.

“Stop breaking into my business. This is my dream. This is like my child. Stop hurting me,” Cousar said.


Each time, the thieves would leave behind shattered doors, busted locks, and empty shelves

Between repeatedly replacing doors, locks and upgrading security, Cousar said she’s lost more than $30,000 due to the theft.

The latest burglary happened Tuesday, Sept. 5. Police said they arrested Marcus Wells a couple of days later in that burglary.


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