Dozens rally, demanding justice for woman allegedly sexually assaulted in local club

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ATLANTA — A group of people rallied outside the Opera nightclub on Wednesday, trying to bring to light a sex assault that allegedly took place inside over the weekend.

“The gentleman that perpetrated the crime is still at large,” Sabrina Peterson’s voice boomed over a PA system at the rally.

Rally participants held signs and chanted, demanding justice for the victim.

Peterson, who organized the event, said she wants the City of Atlanta to see “that we’re serious about this … that we want justice for this young lady.”

Over the weekend, a woman visiting the Midtown club on Crescent Avenue says her drink was drugged.


A Facebook Live video showing her birthday celebration turned into an alleged sexual assault.

She screamed and begged for help during the video, which is too graphic to show.

“It’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” attorney Joshua Palmer said.

“It’s just horrifying,” said attorney Chris Stewart.

The lawyers told Channel 2's Rikki Klaus that Opera needs to take some responsibility.

“You expect safety. You expect security. You expect not to be able to be carried into some silent room and sexually assaulted. Pretty standard stuff. Yet it happened,” Stewart said.

He’s asking people to support the woman.

“If a woman can’t get support in a situation where she was raped on camera, then God help us,” Stewart said.

Peterson shared an audio message with Klaus that the victim recorded.

“I just want to thank all of my supporters and everybody that’s standing behind me,” she said, her voice breaking up as she began to cry. “Come forward. Don’t be a victim of this. It’s not OK.”

Another rally is planned for Thursday afternoon outside the nightclub.