
Georgia election interference codefendant demands to know more about accusations against him

ATLANTA — One of the election interference defendants is demanding to know more about the accusations against him.

Harrison Floyd’s attorneys want to know exactly what he is accused of saying.

Floyd is accused of pressuring former Fulton County poll worker Ruby Freeman to lie about committing election fraud.

His attorneys want to find out more of what exactly he said to her.

On Tuesday, we also learned that prosecutors think that was part of a larger effort by more people to get her to lie right before January 6, 2021.

Channel 2 Action News obtained video of the moment prosecutors say defendant Trevian Khutti and Floyd, by phone, tried to pressure former Freeman to lie and admit she’d committed election fraud.

She never did.

Prosecutors charged both Floyd and Khutti with racketeering and making false statements.

“If you accused someone of making a false statement, you at least have to give them enough details that they know what the false statement is,” Floyd’s attorney Chris Kachouroff argued.

Channel 2′s Richard Elliot was inside the courtroom Tuesday as Floyd’s attorneys were demanding the state turn over just what those false statements were at the same time denying any false statements were made.

“My first point is that there is no false statement. My second point is that they have no false statements. My third point is that there will never be a false statement,” Kachouroff said.

Prosecutors pushed back, saying that even a true statement to further an illegal conspiracy is a crime.

They also, for the first time, tipped part of their case saying Floyd actually worked with the other defendants, including former Georgia Republican Party Chair David Shafer, to pressure Freeman to lie just days before January 6.

“So they are working as a team. They’re talking to one another. And they are doing it on the eve of the electoral count,” said prosecutor John Floyd, no relation.

There was no decision on Tuesday about the false statements issue.

Floyd also asked to have his bond conditions modified so he could talk again to former President Donald Trump. The judge didn’t think he was going to let that happen.


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