Georgia lawmakers, officials condemn violent protests at U.S. Capitol

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ATLANTA — Some of metro Atlanta’s congressional leaders were in the U.S. Capitol when violence erupted Wednesday afternoon, and at least one of them is calling for the impeachment of the president.

Rep. Carolyn Bourdeux has only been in Congress for a few days, but she told Channel 2′s Justin Wilfon that she has seen enough.

While most of us watched the drama at the U.S. Capitol unfold on television, Bourdeux was living it.

“I was pretty shocked at how serious the situation got,” Bourdeux said. “We were in the House office building, and we got an alert that we were to go to a secure location and to lockdown and turn off the lights and sit silently.”

The congresswoman from Georgia’s 7th District, who took office only a few days ago, blames the violence on President Donald Trump and wants the president impeached immediately.


“He solicited election fraud from the secretary of state of Georgia. He asked him to find him 11,000 additional votes in just a flagrant abuse of power, and then he turns around and incites a mob to attack and invade the U.S. Capitol,” Bourdeux said.

Wilfon also spoke with metro Atlanta Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk.

“Any concern that calling for his impeachment could lead to a further divide in this country?” Wilfon asked Loudermilk.

“At some point, you have to take a stand somewhere,” Loudermilk said. “I’ve already communicated with the White House that we need him to come out strong and ask the people to stand down.”

The riot began while lawmakers debated certifying the Electoral College votes.

Loudermilk is one of the members of Congress objecting to President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

“I’m horrified. This is not what we’ve been fighting for. This is not the way you carry on your displeasure with the way things happened in a ‘rule of law’ nation like we have,” Loudermilk said.

Earlier today, Rep. Lucy McBath tweeted, “The actions of those seeking to overturn the will of the people are dangerous and destructive, but they will not succeed.”

McBath also tweeted that she thinks the 25th Amendment must be invoked.

List of Statements and Tweets from local lawmakers and officials:

Former President Jimmy Carter released a statement late Wednesday night:

Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms released a statement Wednesday night, saying:

“In response to the deadly riot in our nation’s capital today, the Atlanta Police Department will continue to monitor events and coordinate with our federal, state and local partners accordingly. While there is no curfew in our city, I ask all Atlantans, out of an abundance of caution, to please stay home this evening.

“Millions of Georgians cast their ballots on yesterday because of their belief in our democracy. While there are moments in our country’s history in which we may falter, we will not fail. America is stronger than any one man.”

Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux released a statement Wednesday, calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump:

“If my colleagues in Congress still intend to move forward with their attempt to subvert our democracy and our elections after today’s violence, they have utterly failed to uphold their Oath of Office. Today, armed pro-Trump insurrectionists stormed our nation’s Capitol and a person was shot. I condemn what happened in the strongest possible terms — and we need to be clear that the outgoing president and his enablers have routinely fanned the flames that sparked today’s riots. Not since its burning in 1814 has so much damage been done to this building, a building that symbolizes to the world the strength and greatness of our democracy.

“In light of the personal responsibility Trump bears for today’s events and his flagrant efforts to undermine the election in Georgia, I recommend the House move forward with impeachment proceedings immediately. Our words matter. Actions have consequences. It has never been more urgent for my colleagues to uphold the pillars of our democracy and put an end to the conspiracy theories that fueled this insurrection attempt. I call on them to do the right thing.”

Sen. Kelly Loeffler condemned Wednesday’s violence in a tweet.

Rep. Nikema Williams, who now replaces the late John Lewis, says she is safe.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene urged the protesters inside the Capitol to remain peaceful.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk condemned the protesters saying, “violence against our brave law enforcement is not in line with our values as freedom loving Americans.”

Rep. Buddy Carter said, “the violence and anarchy is unacceptable and must end.”

Officials back here in Georgia are also condemning the violence that has unfolded at the U.S. Capitol.

Gov. Brian Kemp said, “This is absolutely disgraceful, un-American, and must stop immediately. The rule of law matters.”

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr said, “I support the right of Americans to peacefully protest, but the violence and destruction we are seeing at the U.S. Capitol is unacceptable and un-American.

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