
Investigative committee looking into Willis affair allegations has first meeting

ATLANTA — The state Senate opened up its official investigation into Fulton County DA Fani Willis on Friday and its chair says he’ll give her the opportunity to testify.

That special investigative committee is looking into allegations of an improper relationship between Willis and Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade and a potential misuse of funds.

Some Democrats told Channel 2′s Richard Elliot that this is nothing but a “witch hunt.”

The committee does have subpoena power, but the chair wouldn’t say if he plans to subpoena Willis. He said he plans to just ask for her testimony first.

“I will certainly give her the opportunity, you know, and if I was her, I would want to be heard,” state Sen. Bill Cowsert said.

The committee is made up of six Republicans and three Democrats.

On top of looking into allegations of an improper, romantic relationship between Willis and Wade, it is also looking at allegations of improper use of public monies in their prosecution of former president Donald Trump and others.

“You lose the confidence of the public in the fairness of our criminal justice system if they think prosecutors are engaging in prosecution so that their lover can get rich,” Cowsert said.


Stone Mountain state Sen. Gloria Butler is one of the Democrats on the committee.

“I think it could be a witch hunt,” Butler told Elliot.

Despite Republican assurances, she’s convinced the investigation into Willis is all about politics and discrediting her prosecution.

“I don’t think she would participate in answering questions that seem like it is a witch hunt. Some of it is very personal,” Butler said.

Cowsert said he wants Willis to testify but fell short of saying he’d subpoena her.

Meanwhile, he said they’ve already been in touch with whistleblowers inside Willis’ office and will try to get them to testify.

“There are whistleblowers inside the Fulton County DA’s Office that are raising complaints and allegations about the misuse of both federal funds and state funds,” Cowsert said.

There was no comment from the Fulton County DA’s Office on Friday.

The first real hearing could start in a week to 10 days, but Cowsert said he doesn’t expect to wrap up the investigation before the end of the legislative session.