
Marjorie Taylor Greene says whoever gets Dem nomination will not win in November

ATLANTA — Following Thursday night’s speech by former President Donald Trump to formally accept the Republican nomination for President, Georgia U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says it won’t matter who the Democrats nominate as their candidate – Trump is going to win.

In a video posted on X, formally known as Twitter, Greene said, “The American people have had it with open borders, crippling inflation, and criminals roaming the streets.”

“No matter who they put at the top of the ticket, that candidate has to run with the job record that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have brought the several past years, cause Democrats are fully aligned behind those policies,” Greene said.

Biden has seen increasing pressure from Democratic heavy-hitters saying there is no longer a path to victory for Biden and that should strongly consider stepping aside.

The decision is Biden’s to make. But for Greene, she believes that Americans are becoming more united behind the Republican party after last weekend’s assassination attempt on Trump’s life.


“It’s a moment that everyone will always remember where they were when that happened, similar to 9/11. Everyone remembers where they were when that happened,” Greene said. “I think America really came to one mindset, got resolved behind President Trump and behind the Republican party after seeing him almost assassinated on Saturday.”

Regardless of whether it is Biden or someone else on the top of the Democratic ticket, Greene said they have an uphill battle to fight.

“People are just really fed up with the border invasion that’s happening every day.  That fact that people can’t afford food, can’t afford rent and inflation is really crippling a lot of people,” Greene said.

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