
Rush Limbaugh remembered as a ‘galvanizing voice for Conservatism’ on WSB Radio

ATLANTA — For 32 years, Rush Limbaugh hosted the Rush Limbaugh Show. It was syndicated across the country, including here in Atlanta on WSB Radio.

The extravagant radio personality died Wednesday after a year-long battle with lung cancer, but his fans will still be able to hear Limbaugh even though he is now gone.

The radio station told Channel 2′s Dave Huddleston that his afternoon show will continue to air until further notice.

[READ: Rush Limbaugh dies at 70]

But whether you liked his show or refused to listen to it, there may never be another personality as big as his.

Limbaugh’s wife Katherine broke the news of his death on today’s shows.

“It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning,” Katherine Limbaugh said.


His passing was expected, but still very hard for his fans and supporters to accept.

WSB Radio host Erick Erickson told Huddleston that Limbaugh had a profound impact on American culture.

“You rarely come across these people who completely builds an industry,” Erickson said. “He was a galvanizing voice for Conservatism at the time when they really felt in the wilderness.”

Erickson was friends with Limbaugh. He said Limbaugh sent his wife a new cell phone two months ago.

“That was the kind of guy he was. When you went out to lunch with him, you knew you better not buy because the wait staff wouldn’t get the tip that Rush would give them,” Erickson said.

WSB Radio program director Drew Anderssen said there was no one like him.

“The first thing that goes through my mind is the impact on the so many who listen to Rush every day,” Anderssen said. “Very sad for sure.”

[READ: Politicians, pundits, public react to Rush Limbaugh’s death at 70]

Former Speaker of the House and Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich told Huddleston that “Limbaugh leaves an enormous vacuum,” and that he was an “extraordinary conservative. His reach and size of his audience and his consistent conservative view was unique. A class by himself.”

Limbaugh said he knew at age 16 that he wanted to get into radio and never looked back. He never shied away from his conservative Missouri roots and used them to catapult him to the national stage, where he reigned supreme for decades.

President Ronald Reagan dubbed him the No. 1 voice of conservative radio.

In February 2020, Limbaugh was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. A day later, President Donald Trump awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Limbaugh and his wife Katherine were married for more than 10 years.

The company that syndicates his show across the country said it will continue to produce best of Limbaugh shows and guest hosts will step in to help guide the show when necessary.

Limbaugh was 70.