
Security photos show man walking into laundromat with circular saw to steal change machine

Security photos show man walking into laundromat with circular saw to steal change machine The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office released photos showing the man carrying a saw into the laundromat to steal the machine. (PHOTOS: Columbia County Sheriff's Office)

COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ga. — Georgia deputies are searching for a man they said cut a change machine out of the wall of a laundromat and stole it.

It happened at Lucy’s Laundry along Vaughn Road on Dec. 6 in Columbia County.

The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office released photos showing the man carrying a saw into the laundromat to steal the machine.


He was also wearing a Black Van’s Classic Co. hoodie.

Deputies did not say how much money may have been in the machine.

Anyone with information about who the thief is is asked to call the sheriff’s office at 706-541-2800.