
Train derailment has part of Fayette County road closed as crews clean up

Fayette County Train derailment The Fayette County fire chief said six box cars derailed along Tyrone Road and part of that road is blocked at the rail line. (PHOTO: Fayette County Fire and EMS)

FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. — Fayette County Fire and EMS says that a train derailed in Fayette County on Tuesday.

The Fayette County fire chief said six box cars derailed along Tyrone Road just after 4 p.m. and part of that road is blocked at the rail line.

Fayette Fire said no one was injured, and there were no leaks of the box car contents.


CSX is on the scene working to upright the boxcars that have tipped. A spokesperson for the company said there was no threat to the surrounding community, and they are investigating what caused the derailment.

Stay with and tune into Channel 2 Action News for the latest on this developing story.