
Woman says city employee at home in bathrobe live streamed her personal info during 311 call

ATLANTA — An Atlanta woman says her personal information was broadcast live on a social media platform after she called 311.

This homeowner told Channel 2 investigative reporter Ashli Lincoln that not only is this a safety concern, but she’s also worried about identity theft.

When Courtney Teague called 311, she had no idea that the city of Atlanta employee on the other end of the call was broadcasting their entire conversation live on a social media platform while dressed in a bathrobe.

“I gave them my information and low and behold my information was actually being live streamed,” Teague said.


Teague said minutes after that call, she received a voicemail from a woman in Chicago who saw the live stream.

“I do have a recording of you giving all your information. I think that is very private, it shouldn’t happen. I would hate if it were to happen to me,” the voicemail said in part.

Willis McDonald, a cyber security researcher, said hackers and scammers only need the most basic personal info like an address to do harm.

“Some of those basic details allow you to start patching together different pieces of information to gain access to different accounts,” McDonald told Lincon.

McDonald said victims should monitor all accounts, freeze their credit, and change their passwords immediately.

“You would hope with a lot of these lines, these support lines, customer service lines that they would have enough sense to not record this,” he said.

A City of Atlanta spokesperson told Lincoln, that immediately after this incident, the employee was taken off the phones. The spokesperson said the employee is no longer employed with the City. It said his actions were not a part of city policy and his actions were unacceptable.

Teague did file a formal complaint with the city.

“My information was put out there publicly, but I haven’t had any follow up beyond an email with someone saying they would get back with me,” Teague said.