
Be prepared: Mosquito season is here, and so is the risk for West Nile Virus


DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — Even though we've been focused on COVID-19, mosquito season is upon us, and that could bring more concerns for families.

Mosquito activity is going up as the temperature rises.

One of the areas of concern is DeKalb County, it’s a hot spot for mosquitoes year after year.

Starting in June, workers with the mosquito control teams will start spraying human-safe larvicide.

Officials say it stops mosquito larvae from becoming adult mosquitoes that bite.

With coronavirus still out there, neighbors are doing their part to prevent other diseases like West Nile Virus.

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“We do use a natural spray on him whenever we can get him to slow down long enough to do it and as well for ourselves,” said parent Callie Harris.

In addition to repellent, one of the easiest things you can do is dump any standing water near your home.

DeKalb County health leaders say they are in the process of hiring interns for the summer program.

Mosquitoes can carry a number of diseases. The most common we hear about is West Nile.

The virus causes a fever and other symptoms in one out of five infected people. There is no vaccine or treatment.

It can kill but, most people do not develop any symptoms.