Carroll County

A 6-pack of this beer will help out a metro university

CARROLL COUNTY, Ga. — A metro brewery is helping to make an impact on local college students.

Printer’s Ale Manufacturing Company announced on Friday that it has brewed a special beer called “Red & Blue Brew.”

The label design is the same colors as the University of West Georgia logo in Carroll County. That’s because proceeds from the beer go to the university.

“When you buy a six-pack, you’re doing more than just drinking a great beer with a cool label designed by the cool wolves themselves,” the company said in the Facebook post.


“Red & Blue Brew” is a German pilsner.

“Pilsners are characteristically light in color and have a very short finish. The world over, pilsner-style lagers have become the standard beer for many reasons, and American craft brewers have worked hard to put their own unique spin on this classic German beer,” said. “A classic German-style pilsner is straw to pale in color with a malty sweetness that can be perceived in aroma and flavor. Perception of hop bitterness is medium to high. Noble-type hop aroma and flavor are moderate and quite obvious. Distinctly different from the Bohemian-style pilsner, this style is lighter in color and body and has a lower perceived hop bitterness.”

“Red & Blue Brew” is being sold at several stores around the Carrollton area.