
Clark Atlanta urges judge to stop sale of Morris Brown College

ATLANTA — Clark Atlanta University urged a federal bankruptcy judge Thursday to scrap plans to sell neighboring Morris Brown College.
CAU is laying claim to part of the land Morris Brown wants to sell to save itself from bankruptcy.  The disputed parcels include Herndon Stadium and the Old President's House.
An attorney for CAU argued the acreage, according to the deed which transferred the land to Morris Brown, calls for the land to reverts back to Clark Atlanta should Morris Brown no longer use it for education. 
CAU told a judge Morris Brown has no right to sell it. 
The land is part of a $14.6 million deal with the city and Friendship Baptist Church.
The parcel where Friendship would relocate to make room for the new Falcons stadium is not in dispute.  The sale is a package deal, however.
Morris Brown's bankruptcy attorney, Anne Aaronson said nothing in the deed prevents the sale of the land. 
She also said it may still wind up with an educational use.  MBC plans to lease back part of what it sells to the city.