
Clark Howard warns consumers to look out for COVID-19 vaccine scams on the internet

ATLANTA — Channel 2′s consumer adviser Clark Howard warns Georgians to be aware of vaccine scams.  Howard spoke with Channel 2 Anchor Jorge Estevez on how Georgians could protect themselves from falling victim to this kind of scam.

Howard warns consumers to stay off the “Dark Web” as its riddled with scams.

“This is a terrible thing, Jorge, with people being scammed online by pretenders who say they have access to a vaccine. And out of people’s desperation to get one, they’re paying hundreds if not more than $1,000 for a phantom shot. Don’t do it,” Howard said.


The vaccine does not come with a thousand dollar price tag.  This should be a warning signal to all consumers.

“These shots … are going to steadily be more available. If you can just be patient for a little longer, you’re gonna get that shot in your arm not once, but twice. And nobody’s going to take any money from you for it,” Howard said.

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