Clayton County

Politician wants Clayton County Sheriff investigated for overtime fraud despite any solid proof


CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. — A Clayton County politician is calling for the sheriff to be investigated for possible overtime fraud.

She thinks his wife, who is a county commissioner, could be violating the law by voting on matters that involve her husband.

Some are questioning why Clayton County Chairwoman Alieka Anderson-Henry spoke out about the allegations without any solid proof.

“It reeks of vindictiveness. Malice,” Clayton County resident Orlando Gooden told Channel 2’s Tom Jones.

That’s how he feels about the chairwoman’s claim Commissioner Tashe' Allen may be violating the law by voting on Sheriff Levon Allen’s budget or personnel matters. The commissioner and the sheriff are married.

Gerrian Hawes agrees with the chairwoman.

“I don’t believe Commissioner Allen should vote on things that concern her husband,” Hawes said.

Anderson-Henry also called for an investigation into Sheriff Allen after what she calls strong indications of overtime fraud in his office.

Gooden said the overtime is understandable.


“The sheriff is understaffed, and he’s overcrowded. So, you’re going to pay overtime,” Gooden said.

Hawes sees it differently.

“My taxes are extremely high on my little house. I mean that’s money that could go towards my taxes as far as I’m concerned,” Hawes said.

Commissioner Allen called the Anderson-Henry a dictator. She posted video where the chairwoman objected to her being at a staff meeting.

“Commissioner Allen, next time you come to the meeting, can you please ask to be invited? Because this is the meeting I chose to do with staff,” the chairwoman stated.

Commissioner Allen tried to respond.

“I was told that it was an open meeting,” Allen said.

“No. No. That’s not true,” Anderson-Henry said.

Both Hawes and Gooden agree the chaos isn’t good for the county.

“That is damaging to the image of the county which we are trying to clean up,” Gooden said.

“Our brand is our equity,” said Hawes.

The chairwoman also canceled a budget meeting because Commissioner Allen was there.

Anderson-Henry told Jones by phone she had no further comment and her statement is all she is saying on the matter.

Sheriff Allen and Commissioner Allen did not return Jones’ phone calls.