Cobb County

KSU fraternity given cease and desist order


COBB COUNTY, Ga. — Kennesaw State University issued a "cease and desist" order to a fraternity. The university said it involves student safety.

A school representative told Channel 2’s Carl Willis despite the order, the fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha, has not been kicked off the campus.

It is a temporary status meaning the fraternity can't hold events, parties or membership activities.

Willis went by the frat house to try to get a response but most of the front rooms were dark and no one answered the door.

Other fraternities Willis spoke with were also tight-lipped about the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity on the Marietta campus.

Channel 2 Action News has learned Kennesaw State's division of student affairs issued the cease and desist order while the Mu Beta chapter is being investigated.

School officials said there have been allegations that members of the fraternity may have violated the university's student code of conduct.

However, they haven't described the conduct that is in question.
"I don't really see any problems with them putting limitations on frats. In fact, I think it should be more regulated just because you hear so many horror stories coming from them. I mean, that's not to say they're all bad. There are good things that come from them, but you have to weigh the pros and cons," student Caleb Mauch told Willis.

In a statement, the Kennesaw State vice president for student affairs K.C. White wrote:

"The safety of our students is our primary responsibility and we have no tolerance for any behavior which threatens the safety of our campus community.”

The university tells said they have no further information while the incident is being investigated.