Marietta City Council to discuss ordinance making it illegal to lie down on private property

MARIETTA, Ga. — The Marietta City Council’s Judicial Legislative Committee will discuss adopting an ordinance making it illegal to stay or lie down on private property without express permission from the owner.

According to the summary of Marietta City Council ordinance 20250074, if passed it would make it against the law for anyone to “camp, sleep, reside, store personal property or lie upon any private property” without a leaseholder or owner’s permission.

Essentially, it would be against the law to stay on that property to sleep or rest without an owner giving the go-ahead.

As far as the legislative text itself, the proposed ordinance does not specify who it is meant to target.

The full text of the proposal available reads:

“Prohibited Use of Private Property.

It shall be unlawful for anyone other than the owner of a private property, a leaseholder of such private property, or other rightful occupant of such private property to camp, sleep, reside, store personal property, or lie upon any private property without the owner’s or leaseholder’s permission. Any such use of private property authorized by and consented to by the owner or leaseholder or other rightful occupant of such private property must be in conformity with the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Marietta, Georgia and the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Marietta, Georgia, including, but not limited to, the zoning and land use provisions of said Code of Ordinances which are applicable to such private property, and if such use is a violation of said Code of Ordinances or said Zoning Ordinances, an authorization of such use by the landowner or leaseholder shall not nullify a violation of any provision of this Chapter.”

Channel 2 Action News has reached out to the Marietta City Council for more information about the provisions of the ordinance and the reason for its proposal.

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