Cobb County

Metro Atlanta school district equips buses with WiFi to help students


MARIETTA, Ga. — Marietta City Schools are going above and beyond to bring WiFi to its students during this difficult time.

The school district equipped 12 buses with WiFi routers with a cellular 5G connection. The buses will be parked in different locations around the city of Marietta from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. every Monday-Friday.

You can visit this website for a list of locations each day.

[RELATED: Georgia map shows available public WiFi spots during COVID-19 outbreak]

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs has also been working to get WiFi access to more students across the state of Georgia. It has created a map with available public WiFi locations.

You can see the map here to find the location closest to you.

We are happy to announce that Wi-Fi routers with a cellular 5G connection have been installed in twelve of our buses....

Posted by Marietta City Schools on Thursday, April 16, 2020