Confederate flag removed from SC State House

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CHARLESTON, Sc. — A South Carolina Highway Patrol honor guard lowered the flag as crowds chanted "USA" and cheered. The pole flying the flag came down and the flag is being placed in a museum.

Channel 2's Matt Belanger was there when South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from the State House.

It was an emotional morning in Columbia, South Carolina for people on both sides of the Confederate flag debate.

Atlanta native Jennifer Little brought her son to witness the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the front of South Carolina's State House.

Family members of the nine victims of the Charleston Church shooting  watched from the Capitol steps.

Among the cheers, joy and relief from crowds watching the flag being taken down there were some disagreements.

A man who did not want to give his name told Belanger, "It's not at the top of the State House. It's at a rightful place at the Confederate monument. So next time, are they going to take that monument down?"

While the national debate continues, the debate over South Carolina's flag has ended.