Murder trial of foster parents accused of killing 2-year-old heads to jury

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HENRY COUNTY, Ga. — Prosecutors and defense teams presented closing arguments in the trial of parents accused of murdering their 2-year-old foster child.

The case is now in the hands of the jury.

Jennifer and Joseph Rosenbaum are accused of killing Laila Daniel in 2015. The Rosenbaums told police that Laila choked on a chicken bone.

Earlier this week, a medical examiner testified that Laila actually died of a severe beating.

Channel 2's Lauren Pozen has been covering the trial since it began earlier this month. Closing arguments lasted more than hours Friday.

For the first time, Pozen saw the Rosenbaums get emotional during closing arguments. They did not take the stand.

The prosecution said Laila died a slow and painful death. The defense argues that it was an accident.

When the prosecutor showed pictures to the jury of the bruises both on Laila and her sister Millie, Joseph Rosenbaum took his glasses off and reached for Jennifer Rosenbaum's hand.

Prosecutor Eddie Chase said there is no question the couple killed the child.


The defense said the 49 charges brought against the couple are a result of a rush to judgement.

Defense attorney Corrine Mull said Laila's death was an accident and the bruises on her body were from when Jennifer Rosenbaum tried to save her life.

"It was the Heimlich Maneuver gone bad," Mull said. "There is nothing simple about this case. Real life accidents, that's the case here. There was an accident."

The prosecution disagreed.

"How come not a single medical professional has never seen anything like this? Because she didn't get these injuries from the Heimlich maneuver," Chase said. "Evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that they killed (Laila)."

A good portion of the defense's closing arguments dealt with Joseph Rosenbaum. The defense said he's only charged with a crime to try to get him to turn in his wife.

The judge went over jury instructions Friday and the jury will be back Monday to begin deliberations.