
DeKalb teen launches program to give some love to local hospital workers and restaurants

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — Grey Cohen knows how to take an idea and go viral with it.

"You know, it really started with my uncle. He talked to my mom. She works at Emory Hospital, and he wanted to find a way to send food to her hospital staff,” Cohensaid.

Cohen is connecting kindhearted people with metro area hospital workers and local restaurants. She calls it “The Meal Bridge.”

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Laura Consolazio is an ICU nurse at Emory who received one of the meals.

“It really is heartwarming to know that people are thinking about us. Because it can get hard here sometimes and it’s very much appreciated,” Consolzio said.


The website for this nonprofit lists 15 local hospitals, the shifts at those medical centers, and participating restaurants nearby. Donors can go online and set up a tasty surprise.

"I’m blown away by how she was able to do this. To be honest, I thought she was older,” Consolazio said.

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Nope. She’s only 16. Grey says the smiles she’s seen in the pics that have been set her way have made it all worthwhile. Folks in two different fields who can really use our help.

"The health care workers are on the front line, and the restaurant industry has also been hit really hard by the virus. I think it’s important for our community to come together and support both of those fields,” Cohen said.

Cohen said hospitals and restaurants as far away as Seattle and Washington, D.C. have also joined The Meal Bridge. At last count, 7,000 meals have been delivered over the last couple of weeks. You can check it out at www.themealbridge.com