Man arrested for sex trafficking victim found with gunshot wounds at hotel, Douglasville police say

DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. — Douglasville police have arrested a suspect from an Oct. 9 shooting at a hotel.

According to DPD, patrol officers responded to the Econolodge on Cherokee Boulevard after a self-inflicted gunshot victim was reported.

Detectives were brought to the hotel soon after due to “the tale of events not matching the physical evidence.”

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Over the next few days, police interviewed the victim and others and determined the female victim had not actually shot herself, instead she had been shot by someone else.

Investigators learned the victim was assaulted days before, resulting in a broken rib, and was a victim of sex trafficking, police said.

The suspect was arrested and faces seven charges, but was not identified by police. Based on the charges, it is known that the suspect is a convicted felon.

The individual was charged with:

  • Aggravated assault
  • Two counts of aggravated battery
  • Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
  • Possession of a firearm during a crime
  • Trafficking a person for sexual servitude
  • Pimping

Channel 2 Action News has reached out to the Douglasville Police Department for more information about the case and the suspect’s identity.

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