Father says it's been ‘emotional rollercoaster' since son's death in crash

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ga. — The father of a 16-year-old Douglas County student who died on Wednesday wants to thank the outpouring of love from the community.

Vance Murphy and Channel 2's Richard Elliot texted back and forth Thursday night. He asked if he could come on TV and tell people about his son.
He said the last few days have been very hard on him and his family.
"Petty things that I used to worry about, I will never worry about, because there's no pain greater than a father losing his son," Murphy said.
Murphy wanted to sit down with us and tell us about his son Josh, a standout football player at Chapel Hill High School. But Murphy says there was so much more to his son than football, like how he hated bullies and would stand up to them.
"He loved justice. He didn't like to see anybody picked on, and we've all laughed at all the different stories that he would just, he would like to deliver justice, too," Murphy said.
Troopers still aren't sure why Josh crossed the center line along a stretch of Highway 5 south of Douglasville Wednesday evening. They don't think drugs or alcohol played any role and they found his phone in his pocket so they don't believe he was texting.
But he collided head-on with another car of teenagers, severely injuring them.
Dozens of people stopped by the crash site to pay their respects at the memorial.
Murphy is a pastor at the Atlanta Revival Center. He says the past couple of days have been an emotional roller coaster for his family but he takes comfort knowing his son turned his heart over to the Lord just a week before his death.
It would be easy for him to be bitter but he says instead, his faith is strengthened.
"There's a confirmation in my spirit that God is for me. I will never get bitter at God. He is the giver of life," Murphy said.
Murphy says he is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from this community.