Former Ga. baseball coach indicted for having secret relationship with teen girl, filming child porn

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FLOYD COUNTY, Ga. — A former youth baseball coach is now facing child sex crime charges.

Rodney Lynn Clemones was indicted earlier this month in Floyd County on charges that he was having a “romantic relationship” with a teenage girl.

Channel 2 Action News obtained a copy of the indictment that says that in August 2022, Clemones recorded child porn of the girl on a cellphone.

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The indictment goes on to allege that Clemones gave the girl alcohol and had a relationship with her that he asked her to keep secret from her parents.

He is also charged with possession of a controlled substance after authorities found boldenone undecylate, a steroid used primarily for horses, in his possession.


In a separate incident last October, Clemones started cursing and became unruly during a game. He was told to leave the park, but later came back. He was then charged with criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct after being told to leave.

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