Former Ga. gym owner made child porn inside business, indictment alleges

TOOMBS COUNTY, Ga. — A man who owned a south Georgia gym and tanning business is being accused of making child porn inside his business.

Walter Joey Drew, 41, was charged in a federal indictment on six counts of production of child pornography, three counts of attempted production of child pornography, six counts of possession of child pornography and one count of each of receipt of child pornography and attempted coercion and enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.

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Drew owned the now-closed Legacy Performance Center in Lyons, Ga.

The indictment says that between February 2021 and June 2023, he either made or tried to make child porn of at least eight kids at the gym and at his home.

It goes on to say that Drew tried to get at least one of the victims to help him make child porn.

In addition to his federal charges, Drew faces state charges in Toombs County and White County, where he used to live.


If convicted on all counts, he could face up to life in prison and have to register as a sex offender.

Anyone who has information that could assist prosecutors or believes they could be a victim should call Homeland Security Investigations at 866-347-2423.

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