Gas stations urging drivers to 'lock and fuel' after increase in crimes

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COBB COUNTY, Ga. — A local gas station is urging drivers to lock their cars even as they stand next to them to fill up after a slew of 'slider crimes' in the area.

We've told you for months about how thieves are targeting victims while they fill up their tanks. Now, the Convenience Store Association says the shooting death of a suspected slider this week is a wake up call.

When Channel 2 consumer investigation reporter Jim Strickland spoke to drivers, many of them didn't know what the term 'slider crime' meant.

"Never in a thousand years, and I've only been here for 62, did I think I would have to get out of my vehicle lock my vehicle, be conscious of locking my vehicle, in order to pump gas. Never," said customer Hattie Jones.


A surge in pump-side slider theft has the convenience store assn issuing an urgent plea for drivers to lock up before they pump. The store wants drivers to make "lock and fuel" a habit like putting on your seatbelt.

Catherine Aaron White said with our recent slider coverage, she's thinking twice.

"I got to actually lock my car and look around to make sure that I'm safe," she said.

The Convenience Store Association also says you ought to keep your valuables off the seat and out of sight.