GDOT to resurface I-85 while it's shutdown

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ATLANTA — While crews continue to fix I-85, the Georgia Department of Transportation believes they might as well make even more improvements while the interstate is closed.

Late Wednesday afternoon, NewsDrone 2 captured video from high above I-85.

A GDOT spokesperson confirmed to Channel 2's Justin Wilfon that they decided to resurface the interstate while it's shutdown.


"Anyone who travels in this area before the bridge collapse is aware that the pavement is well in need of resurfacing," the spokesperson said.

NewsDrone 2 watched as crews worked to fill the gap where the bridge collapsed. Meanwhile, other crews will begin milling pavement before a new layer of pavement is put down.

GDOT tells Wilfon this project was already scheduled for later this spring, with a completion date of early next year.

While the interstate's closure will allow resurfacing crews to work faster, their work will not be complete when the interstate reopens.

"When I-85 is open again, we won't have to have so many lane closures. So we want to reduce the headache that motorists will endure because of that resurfacing project by getting it started now on lanes where traffic can't travel anyway," the spokesperson said.

GDOT will resurface a long stretch of I-85 from roughly Peachtree to Clairmont, meaning the project will likely continue far beyond the interstate's reopening.

GDOT is shooting for reopening I-85 in mid-May.