Gwinnett County

East Pearl Seafood in Gwinnett fails health inspection


GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — UPDATE: Upon reinspection, East Pearl Seafood received an 88.


Managers at a Gwinnett County restaurant are scrambling to fix violations after a failed inspection.

Health officials say East Pearl Seafood on Liddell Lane in Duluth scored a 44.

The restaurant advertises it has the best dim sum in town. Potential customer Tyrel Turner told Channel 2’s Carol Sbarge he was about to try the Chinese restaurant but changed his mind when he learned it got the 44. Turner says he’s a diabetic and doesn’t need any kind of food poisoning.

The inspector noted in the report that the person in charge was not performing their responsibilities, including not keeping food at the proper temperature.


Other violations included pork thawing in the sink with raw chicken and duck, dirty dishes  stacked as clean, and dirty floods and walls in the kitchen.

Sbarge went to East Pearl Seafood to find out how the management is fixing the problems. No one was available to talk to us. Sbarge noticed the restaurant had the previous score of 90 posted, not the new score, which is required.

A Gwinnett County inspector will reinspect this month. Most of the violations on Thursday were new violations, leading to the dramatic drop of 46 points since June.