Gwinnett County

Suspect in hostage standoff accused of fighting with police (VIDEO)


GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — The father of a 4-week-old baby who was held hostage says he believes the child's grandmother would have hurt the child if police didn't move in so quickly.

The infant’s father, Chris Massie, told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas he was nearby when he heard his girlfriend’s mother fire a shot after cops arrived.

Massie said he knew she had his 4-week-old and didn't know for a while if anyone was hit.

Just after noon, the infant’s mother returned home, carrying the 4-week-old in her arms.

The baby's maternal grandmother, Laurie Morgan, kicked and screamed all the way into her jail cell after witnesses say she held police at bay overnight, at one point allegedly holding the little boy in one arm, and firing off a shot near officers.

“She was talking about suicide,” Massie told Thomas.

Massie said he lives in the home with his girlfriend and Morgan. He says Morgan was drunk and became angry over all the items he's collected as scrap.

“It was basically because I didn't have every single thing in the house,” Massie said.

After the fight, Massie said Morgan pulled a gun and threatened suicide. She and her grandson were the only ones inside at the time. SWAT teams arrived and tried to talk her out.

“I was really scared,” said neighbor Krystal Rose. “It was really loud, we heard the intercom and everything.”

After a standoff that lasted several hours, police busted down the door and went in the apartment Wednesday morning.

“They believe she was asleep when they first made entry into the apartment,” said Cpl. Michele Pihera with the Gwinnett County Police Department.

The baby was not harmed and Morgan was arrested.

“Just because she is stressed about money, all she had to do was have faith in me,” Massie told Thomas.

Massie spent Wednesday afternoon trying to collect a lot of his stuff.

Morgan remains in jail and will likely go before a judge Thursday morning.