Gwinnett County

New McDonalds fails health inspection


GWINNETT COUNTY — This McDonalds has since been updated with a score of 100. 

Customers told Channel 2's Carol Sbarge that they're surprised a new McDonalds in Gwinnett County failed a recent health inspection.

The McDonalds on Buford Drive in Lawrenceville just opened in May.

It had a score of 100 when it opened two months ago, but on July 9, the fast food restaurant got a score of 51 on its health inspection.


Customer Peggy Harrington told Sbarge that she was surprised by that score.

Another customer, Dennis Hale, said he assumes if it is a new restaurant, it is going to be safe and clean.

Violations included an employee not washing hands between handling raw meat and utensils.

The inspector also noted raw meat wasn’t properly stored and eggs were not reheated to the proper temperature.

Sbarge went to the McDonald’s to ask about the violation and to ask why the restaurant still had the score of 100 posted, which is a violation.

No one at the restaurant would make any comment.

We reached out to a regional corporate office and are waiting for a statement.

The McDonalds will be re-inspected this month.

Harrington is optimistic the new restaurant will get a better score.

We’ll let you know what that score is.