Witnesses: Woman who hit teen checked car damage then drove off

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SNELLVILLE, Ga. — Gwinnett County police are looking for a hit-and-run driver who ran into a teenager on a bicycle.

Myles Bonn, 15, was riding home from Brookwood High School along Dogwood Road in Snellville on Friday when he was hit.

Witnesses told police that a woman hit him, got out to check her car and then took off, without ever checking on Bonn.

The teen was left with a broken elbow, staples from a big gash in his head and lots of road rash. He also underwent surgery Monday.

“(I) just get blindsided by the car and I just kind of go around in the air and then land on my body, and my face,” Bonn told Channel 2’s Sophia Choi.

Bonn said he stopped and gave a left turn hand signal when a car coming toward him swerved over the double yellow line and hit him.


Since school had just gotten out, several other kids were on the road when it happened.

“I actually thought he was run over for a second so I was running toward him as quick as I could,” said Bonn’s friend, Sam Mauldin.

Police say plenty of witnesses saw the accident, but no one got a good description of the driver or the vehicle -- just that it’s a light blue or grey van or SUV.

“What they noticed was the driver of the vehicle pulled into a neighboring driveway. She got out of her vehicle, walked around to assess the damage to her car and then she drove off, never stopping to call 911,” Gwinnett County Cpl. Michelle Pihera said.

Bonn said he has a message for the driver, who stopped to check on her vehicle but not him.

“You kind of left me like a dog in the street,” Bonn said.

“You make mistakes. That’s OK. But to just leaving somebody on the streets, I just don’t understand it,” said Myles' mother, Lori Bonn.

Myles Bonn says he’ll have some permanent damage from the accident, but feels lucky it wasn’t worse, especially because he wasn’t wearing a helmet.