Rising water levels cause concerns at Lake Lanier

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HALL COUNTY, Ga. — Along Lake Lanier, there’s a lot more water between the homes and the thousands of floating docks.

All the rain over the last several weeks has pushed the lake level way above full pool.

"You cannot physically get to the dock or the ramp because they're underwater,” said Lake Lanier Association spokesperson Joanna Cloud.

The water level has risen 2 feet over the last few days, covering most of the gangways.


"So, to access your dock, to get to your boat, to get to anything that's on your dock, you have to wade through the water to get to it,” Cloud said.

Or you could hire a company to bring the dock back to dry land.

"We come out by water and physically move docks in or out,” Kyle Davis said.

Davis works for Marine Specialties, a company that moves floating docks. He said in recent years, recurring drought conditions caused the need to have docks towed out farther into the water. But now, there’s a lot of dangerous debris in the lake and high water is to blame.

"In 30 years, I can count on one hand as many times as I've seen the lake this high,” Davis said.

"The water is so high, a lot of the power boxes are underwater, or power cords are underwater, which creates an electrical shock concern. I would just advise anyone out on the lake to use extreme caution for both electricity and floating debris,” Cloud said. “Depending on how much rainfall is in our future, high lake levels will continue for at least a few more months."