How Joc Pederson’s pearls became signature look for the slugger, Braves fans

ATLANTA — Joc Pederson definitely sets trends and makes fashion statements with pretty much everything he does. A now ever-present signature piece is one that can be credited to a conversation between Pederson and his jeweler.

Jewler Gabriel Arik has made all sorts of “bling-bling” jewelry and necklaces for Braves outfielder Joc Pederson. The outfielder texted Arik just before the playoffs and asked to create something unique.

“I said, ‘What do you have in mind?’ He texted me saying, ‘What about pearls?’ I looked at that and sent him a question. He’s like, ‘Pearls.’ I said ‘Okay,’ so I made him (a) strand of pearls,” said Arik.

Arik knew how serious Pederson was about the request, and so he went to work.

“I hand-picked every pearl for Joc. I wanted to make sure they were perfectly rounded,” said Arik.

He did a great job. The pearls have become a sensation, and many, including Pederson, says it’s helped him and the Braves get their mojo going.

Arik says he has made several of the same necklace, so there is always a new necklace in the lineup available for Pederson.

“If the pearl necklace breaks, we have one we could ship out the next day,” said Arik.

Pederson’s jewelry choice has gained popularity with fans and is becoming a craze of its own.

“We have young kids coming in to get pearl necklaces, minor leaguers,” said Arik.


Arik never expected Pederson’s pearl vision to become iconic, and at a relatively cheap price.

“For the chains he has, some cost up to 40, 50 thousand. This one was just $4,000, and it got the most attention,” said Arik.

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