
Kitchen in popular hotel fails health inspection


DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — UPDATE: The restaurant received a 97 on its reinspection.


The kitchen in a busy metro Atlanta hotel failed its health inspection. The Atlanta Marriott Century Center which is right off I-85 in DeKalb County got a score of 55 on July 9.

Some of the violations included roaches in the main kitchen area, onion dip in the cooler more than a month past its preparation date and observed an employee handling chemical sanitizer with torn and soiled gloves then prepare omelets without removing gloves.

This is the third health inspection at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center this year. In January they got a 74, in February a 90 and now the 55.
When Channel 2's Carol Sbarge went there on Monday the main restaurant in the hotel still had the 90 posted. They are required to have the most current score posted.

Sbarge asked about the violations noted in the current inspection report. The general manager said they could not do an on-camera interview but the Atlanta Marriott Century Center did email a statement. It said the safety and well-being of their guests is among their highest priorities.

The statement went on to say, “The hotel has taken immediate action to assess and resolve the issues identified by the local health authorities. The health department did not request the closure of any of our food outlets.”

A re-inspection will be done within 10 days of the July 9 inspection.

Atlanta Marriott Century Center's kitchen was re-inspected and passed with a score of 97.