
Luke Bryan, Lady Gaga prepare for Super Bowl


HOUSTON — Super star performers are preparing to take the stage at the Super Bowl.

Georgia's own Luke Bryan will kick things off by performing the National Anthem before Sunday's game.

Bryan grew up in Leesburg, Georgia and said he'll be pulling for the Atlanta Falcons.

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"The irony is that I agreed to do the anthem well before the Falcons got their post-season roll, and I'm like, 'come on Falcons, you can do this!" he said.

While Bryan takes care of the pre-game, Lady Gaga will take over for the halftime performance.


"So this performance is for everyone. I want more than anything to create a moment that everybody who is watching will never forget," she said.

Lady Gaga performed the National Anthem during last year's Super Bowl and guarantees her 13-minute halftime show will match the intensity of the game.

As far as other details about game day go, there will be an Air Force Thunderbirds flyover and a tribute to players from Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

The NFL will also recognize Houston's contributions to space exploration.