
Morrow interim city manager speaks out about firing police chief

For the first time we're hearing from Morrow's interim city manager since she fired the city's police chief.
People across the city of Morrow are upset by the decision.

Channel 2’s Jessica Jaglois talked to her Friday after we uncovered two police reports that accuse interim city manager Sylvia Redic of battery and trespassing four years ago.

The reports describe Redic as "violent" and "combative."
After a town meeting Friday night, Jaglois asked Redic if she has an explanation about the reports.
“Well obviously there is an explanation and it is that we were dating the same guy and it was the night I found out he was dating someone besides me. I contest that it wasn't simple battery,” Redic said.
The incident report alleges that on a summer night in 2010, Redic came to a woman's home and demanded to see the man she was with -- former Chattahoochee police Lt. James Melton.
The victim says in the report that a then-42-year-old Redic tried to "force her way inside" her home and when Melton wouldn't let her, she began "beating on his chest."
“It was the night I found out my boyfriend was dating someone else,” Redic said.
Jaglois spoke to the victim over the phone Friday who told her she eventually decided not to press charges.
The reports are the latest smudge on Morrow City Hall's reputation.
Residents still wonder why Redic fired Melvin Douglas last week after less than five months on the job as police chief.
That concern was brought to Friday’s City Hall meeting.
“Every city hires and fires people all the time. I appreciate that it's got a little more press than we would like but I think it speaks to anything other than us trying to make responsible choices and get the right people in place,” Redic said.

Redic told Jaglois that Friday's town hall meeting had been planned for at least a month but two city employees she spoke with said they hadn't heard anything about it until Friday.
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